Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Plan your next luxury stay in the hills

Such a good feeling it is to run away to the hills and live a life of luxury for some time, no? Full of serenity, and lush green surroundings always resonate with us. Hills are definitely a great option to feel revived when we need that break from the monotony. Hence, we always suggest people to run to the mountains for a vacation to spend good time in peacefulness with a good view in front. 

If you are keen about planning for your next holiday in the hills, then take a look at the following points to have a better idea:-

Pack right clothes: Hilly regions are usually cold and chilly. Not just outdoors, but Home stays in Uttarakhand with himalica like areas are cold. We suggest you to pack the right woolen and warm clothes. Take jackets and hoodies and a pair of comfortable shoes. Just don’t over pack because there’s a possibility you will be trekking in the hills so travel light always, only with the basic necessities. 

Pre book accommodation: It is ideal if you pre book your accommodation in the hills than to visit the actual place and then get it. Why? Because then it saves you from the arbitrary roaming around and similar hassle. You can trust Himalaica while booking a himalica's luxury cottage in Nainital who provides excellent houses with give full comfort.

Keep your medicines handy: Often while travelling up in the hills, the roads have a lot of twists and turns that can make you sick and puke-ish. Hence, keep some anti-vomiting medicines handy to evade from unnecessary sick feels. 

Bookmark the scenic places: A holiday is incomplete without seeing the scenic beauty. The charm of the hills is its picturesque mountains, roads and green trees! So bookmark the places you should visit. From churches to quaint vintage stores around; you must visit them all!